[87] no title

salva : 2024/03/28(Thu) 12:09 ID : 8517a6e5

1711642141017.png (84 KB) PaintTime : 15min 33sec
no title by salva

i loaf this website.... sorry if spamm,..

[88] Re: no title : riro : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:10 ID : 354bbca5


[89] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:14 ID : 1f5d0b9d

dont worry! we like ur posts and ur art is super kool! we need our nashi nurse 2 be active (*´ڡ`)

[90] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:15 ID : db4012f7

1711646126765.png (178 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
Re: no title by anonymous bug

i made you fanart

[91] Re: no title : Cosmo : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:21 ID : 7876b826

So much winrar going on with anon and salva's posts :3!!

[92] Re: no title : riro : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:28 ID : 354bbca5

pssst. if u want a cap code let me know what color and text ;D

[93] Re: no title : salva : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:54 ID : 81f6cbcf

AW u guys r so kind i did not mean to monger !! i might havw said something b4 sorry ^~^
anon u are so kind,....... i may crry...