[94] purple

salva : 2024/03/28(Thu) 21:02 ID : 8517a6e5

1711674134638.png (107 KB) PaintTime : 37min 1sec
purple by salva

eat yuor pears boys and girls.....or else!!!

[95] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/28(Thu) 23:55 ID : f011aca6

today i will vaccine them...

[96] Re: purple : riro : 2024/03/29(Fri) 00:01 ID : 794cf664

what is even in that scary injector?

[97] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 01:48 ID : db4012f7

i would trust this nurse to save my life after a horrible car crash

[98] Re: purple : salva : 2024/03/29(Fri) 07:14 ID : 8517a6e5

> what is even in that scary injector?

grape faygo :o33

[99] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 09:04 ID : c72fbeaa


[100] Re: purple : Cosmo : 2024/03/29(Fri) 10:52 ID : 7876b826

Alright so, homestuck or ICP fan?

[101] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 11:35 ID : ed453174

>homestuck or ICP fan?
i am a juggalo... my deepest apologies... (-"_"-;)
but if i really wanted to argue, i live in southern US......... faugo from the stores i eat breakfast from ^__^

[102] Re: purple : Cosmo : 2024/03/29(Fri) 11:57 ID : 7876b826

CALLED IT those ":oD" emoticons gave it away

[103] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 12:48 ID : ed453174

ouuuhh... da emoticons......
i remember when i was anon i tried really hard not to use them. =__= so that i wouldn't get profiled..... but i must have forgoten since using my name LOL

[104] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 14:35 ID : 9e0e1d7e

ehh, but i wouldnt want to keep u at bay..

[105] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 15:12 ID : 2969be20

oh really?!? how about now?! pokepokepokepokepokepoke


[106] Re: purple : salva : 2024/03/29(Fri) 15:14 ID : 2969be20

dammit. i kep forgeting to name on this damn thing!!!
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