[68] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/22(Fri) 23:25 ID : 9e0e1d7e

1711164311693.jpg (300 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

i tried drawing cosmo..
i wanted to add a little cat tail too, but im not sure how id draw it from the front perspective

[69] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/23(Sat) 08:19 ID : 7313c840

this is cute!

[70] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/23(Sat) 10:47 ID : 514cef60

omg whos art is this! the art is so cuteeee. cosmo with an umbrella is so cute

[71] Re: no title : Cosmo : 2024/03/23(Sat) 12:05 ID : 7876b826

what i would do for the tail is have it snake around a leg or something :-3

[72] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/23(Sat) 12:46 ID : 1f5d0b9d

OOOO :0 RLLY KOOL! i kinda forgot cosmo had longer hair... i will fix that next time i draw her