[52] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 16:40 ID : 20159b25

1710189653018.png (65 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

finished version of the sketch i posted in /main/. hope you like it

[53] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 16:50 ID : 7876b826

NAISU! (^o^)/

[54] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 17:01 ID : 8c46dc30

bell neko..?

[55] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 21:48 ID : 7ddf57c7

uber awesome ! ^-^

[56] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/11(Mon) 22:29 ID : 1f5d0b9d

OOO TEH COLORS R RLLY NICE :OO its super kool!!