[421] no title

anonymous bug : 2025/01/12(Sun) 14:32 ID : 016fc874

1736710358392.png (20 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 28min 3sec
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no title by anonymous bug

never did finish that other pic of Linka

but also now I know why no one draws her, what a PITA of a design lol...

[423] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2025/01/12(Sun) 18:49 ID : 016fc874

also holy crap, hands are a pain and I never have the patience for them

[424] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2025/01/12(Sun) 23:48 ID : 37a5b6af

1736743726259.png (8 KB) PaintTime : 3min 39sec
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Re: no title by anonymous bug

i liek hands