[414] no title

anonymous bug : 2025/01/07(Tue) 22:12 ID : d232187a *

1736305931448.png (19 KB) PaintTime : 33min 12sec
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no title by anonymous bug

stunningly lazy klee sketch

[415] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2025/01/08(Wed) 00:20 ID : 099e19c0

1736313633868.png (11 KB) PaintTime : 1min 17sec
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Re: no title by anonymous bug

also, the original bw lines since the color job was so lazy lol
dunno if I'll do a proper color job or not

[416] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2025/01/09(Thu) 01:11 ID : 016fc874 *

1736403087677.png (15 KB) PaintTime : 43min 10sec
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Re: no title by anonymous bug

summertime sparkle klee

yes, I still can't do facial expressions lol