[292] no title

salva : 2024/06/09(Sun) 18:52 ID : f5690a81

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no title by salva

trivia : salva was originally pink and grey, but when i got a capcode (cuz i didn't give them a color) it was purple so now salvas official color is purple.

[293] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/06/09(Sun) 20:16 ID : d48a944f


[294] Re: no title : salva : 2024/06/09(Sun) 21:04 ID : 7ddf57c7

the purple looks better with nashipark colors : )

[295] Re: no title : salva : 2024/06/09(Sun) 21:32 ID : 7ddf57c7

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Re: no title by salva

if it pleases u though :

[296] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/06/10(Mon) 07:44 ID : e9fc6191

Teh purple works way better with the grey in my opinion

[297] Re: no title : salva : 2024/06/10(Mon) 11:31 ID : 8efb3e50


[299] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/06/10(Mon) 14:08 ID : d48a944f

The face in the OP looks creepy actually

[300] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/06/10(Mon) 15:45 ID : e9fc6191

Make sure to never have a RED cross, thatd be violating the geneva convention :))

[301] Re: no title : salva : 2024/06/10(Mon) 19:54 ID : 7ddf57c7

thank you ;D

[302] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/06/11(Tue) 21:29 ID : 0936851c

it dose look nice with red and red cross