[220] its nau!!

riro : 2024/04/28(Sun) 16:02 ID : b0aa99c8

1714334539673.png (65 KB)
its nau!! by riro


[221] Re: its nau!! : anonymous bug : 2024/04/28(Sun) 20:35 ID : 0893365a

Many might assume her eyes are weird, but its really because shes an insect pretending to be human

[222] Re: its nau!! : nau : 2024/04/29(Mon) 00:37 ID : 1f5d0b9d

ssshhh u werent supposed 2 say taht!!!!!!!

[231] Re: its nau!! : anonymous bug : 2024/05/14(Tue) 14:33 ID : 982e3ba9

is nau into entomology or something?

[232] Re: its nau!! : nau : 2024/05/15(Wed) 11:07 ID : abaa866c

yes sort of! im not too smart about bugs.. i know most about stag beetles