[209] no title
salva : 2024/04/22(Mon) 14:23 ID : 81f6cbcf *

[210] Re: no title : salva : 2024/04/22(Mon) 14:25 ID : 81f6cbcf

for bannar purposes u will have to crop and resize it. but it is still teh right ratio! ^_^
[211] Re: no title : salva : 2024/04/22(Mon) 14:35 ID : 81f6cbcf
alternatively u can go into chikin to continue the drawing and click save to computer !
[212] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/04/23(Tue) 01:10 ID : d5e13d6a
this is so CUTE! :D
hoping i can upload the right size 4 bannar and then draw over it in chikin :o3