[107] 1 month of nashi kouen!!

anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 18:51 ID : 35e5a1cc

1711752719358.png (11 KB) PaintTime : 1hr 55min 21sec
*Continue *Replay
1 month of nashi kouen!! by anonymous bug

thank you all of teh cool people to make this chan not a dead chan! chans die to easily..

[108] Re: 1 month of nashi kouen!! : Cosmo : 2024/03/29(Fri) 19:17 ID : 7876b826


[94] purple

salva : 2024/03/28(Thu) 21:02 ID : 8517a6e5

1711674134638.png (107 KB) PaintTime : 37min 1sec
purple by salva

eat yuor pears boys and girls.....or else!!!

5 posts Omitted.

[100] Re: purple : Cosmo : 2024/03/29(Fri) 10:52 ID : 7876b826

Alright so, homestuck or ICP fan?

[101] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 11:35 ID : ed453174

>homestuck or ICP fan?
i am a juggalo... my deepest apologies... (-"_"-;)
but if i really wanted to argue, i live in southern US......... faugo from the stores i eat breakfast from ^__^

[102] Re: purple : Cosmo : 2024/03/29(Fri) 11:57 ID : 7876b826

CALLED IT those ":oD" emoticons gave it away

[103] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 12:48 ID : ed453174

ouuuhh... da emoticons......
i remember when i was anon i tried really hard not to use them. =__= so that i wouldn't get profiled..... but i must have forgoten since using my name LOL

[104] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 14:35 ID : 9e0e1d7e

ehh, but i wouldnt want to keep u at bay..

[105] Re: purple : anonymous bug : 2024/03/29(Fri) 15:12 ID : 2969be20

oh really?!? how about now?! pokepokepokepokepokepoke


[106] Re: purple : salva : 2024/03/29(Fri) 15:14 ID : 2969be20

dammit. i kep forgeting to name on this damn thing!!!
>101 >103 >105

[87] no title

salva : 2024/03/28(Thu) 12:09 ID : 8517a6e5

1711642141017.png (84 KB) PaintTime : 15min 33sec
no title by salva

i loaf this website.... sorry if spamm,..

[88] Re: no title : riro : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:10 ID : 354bbca5


[89] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:14 ID : 1f5d0b9d

dont worry! we like ur posts and ur art is super kool! we need our nashi nurse 2 be active (*´ڡ`)

[90] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:15 ID : db4012f7

1711646126765.png (178 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
Re: no title by anonymous bug

i made you fanart

[91] Re: no title : Cosmo : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:21 ID : 7876b826

So much winrar going on with anon and salva's posts :3!!

[92] Re: no title : riro : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:28 ID : 354bbca5

pssst. if u want a cap code let me know what color and text ;D

[93] Re: no title : salva : 2024/03/28(Thu) 13:54 ID : 81f6cbcf

AW u guys r so kind i did not mean to monger !! i might havw said something b4 sorry ^~^
anon u are so kind,....... i may crry...

[83] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/26(Tue) 14:52 ID : 296ac443

1711479121039.png (90 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

후손만대 행복할 락원을 꾸미자!

[84] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/26(Tue) 15:55 ID : 8c46dc30


[85] Re: no title : riro : 2024/03/28(Thu) 00:50 ID : 794cf664

someone on this oekaki realy likes gunz! well i will have you know i like looking at girls with gunz :D

[86] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/28(Thu) 07:18 ID : db4012f7

i will draw more girls equipped with guns just for you, riro-sama

[78] no title

salva : 2024/03/26(Tue) 09:25 ID : 81f6cbcf

1711459506735.png (59 KB) PaintTime : 21min 1sec
no title by salva

its easy being nashi's best nurse when ur nashi's only nurse ^______________^

[79] Re: no title : Cosmo : 2024/03/26(Tue) 09:39 ID : 7876b826

CUTE!! :-3

[80] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/26(Tue) 11:22 ID : b7be139a

theres nashi nurse.. but wheres teh nashi doctor?

[81] Re: no title : salva : 2024/03/26(Tue) 14:09 ID : 81f6cbcf

1711476564257.jpg (203 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
Re: no title by salva

re : nau
eeeeeh haha ^o^

[82] Re: no title : riro : 2024/03/26(Tue) 14:20 ID : e5b09ee2

;_;i wish i could draw

[68] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/22(Fri) 23:25 ID : 9e0e1d7e

1711164311693.jpg (300 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

i tried drawing cosmo..
i wanted to add a little cat tail too, but im not sure how id draw it from the front perspective

[69] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/23(Sat) 08:19 ID : 7313c840

this is cute!

[70] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/23(Sat) 10:47 ID : 514cef60

omg whos art is this! the art is so cuteeee. cosmo with an umbrella is so cute

[71] Re: no title : Cosmo : 2024/03/23(Sat) 12:05 ID : 7876b826

what i would do for the tail is have it snake around a leg or something :-3

[72] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/23(Sat) 12:46 ID : 1f5d0b9d

OOOO :0 RLLY KOOL! i kinda forgot cosmo had longer hair... i will fix that next time i draw her

[63] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/21(Thu) 02:13 ID : 00633dea

1711001593734.png (60 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug


[64] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/21(Thu) 05:16 ID : 8c46dc30


[65] Re: no title : Cosmo : 2024/03/21(Thu) 10:28 ID : 7876b826

To achieve perfect aim she lost her face, a tragedy!

[66] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/21(Thu) 12:49 ID : 0f48fc4e

^ i did this at 7 in the morning and i didnt feel like giving her a face. >:(

[67] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/21(Thu) 18:01 ID : 3cb825b2

1711058464841.png (50 KB) - Showing thumbnail - PaintTime : 1min 33sec
Re: no title by anonymous bug

here i will add teh face then ^o^

[61] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/20(Wed) 15:56 ID : 00633dea

1710964598248.png (60 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

just a quick evening sketch

[62] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/20(Wed) 17:34 ID : 3cb825b2

WHAO!!! that is reallt nice! i love it

[57] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/12(Tue) 10:25 ID : 6ce27e08

1710253558989.png (96 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

with nau

[58] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/12(Tue) 12:15 ID : 7876b826

Disproving tge myth bugs and cats cant be friends, while being super cute!

[59] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/12(Tue) 15:00 ID : 1f5d0b9d

AWEEEEE OMGG!!!! this is teh best! nau rlly looks cute in ur style :D

[60] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/13(Wed) 07:42 ID : 81f6cbcf

soooooooo pretty!! (づ>/////<)づ♡

[52] no title

anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 16:40 ID : 20159b25

1710189653018.png (65 KB) - Showing thumbnail -
no title by anonymous bug

finished version of the sketch i posted in /main/. hope you like it

[53] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 16:50 ID : 7876b826

NAISU! (^o^)/

[54] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 17:01 ID : 8c46dc30

bell neko..?

[55] Re: no title : anonymous bug : 2024/03/11(Mon) 21:48 ID : 7ddf57c7

uber awesome ! ^-^

[56] Re: no title : nau : 2024/03/11(Mon) 22:29 ID : 1f5d0b9d

OOO TEH COLORS R RLLY NICE :OO its super kool!!